I.V. Sedation
Occasionally, anxiety about dental implant or periodontal treatment can interfere with a patient’s ability to receive the dental care they need. The use of special medications delivered through a pill or an I.V. can alleviate this anxiety.
When I.V. sedation is administered, an I.V. is carefully placed in the patient’s arm which allows the safe delivery of medications. During an I.V. sedation, the patient becomes very drowsy and often goes into a light sleep. During this time he or she retains safe breathing reflexes and can be aroused if needed. Following the sedation, most patients experience a certain degree of amnesia in that they don’t remember much of the appointment.
In addition to his chair-side assistant, Dr. Chaston utilizes a second well trained staff member (often a Registered Nurse) to help monitor the sedation. Three people are in the treatment room with you at all times during your sedation.
Sedation through an I.V. is considered by many to be safer than sedation with pills; it is also much more effective.
Dr. Chaston is a member of the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology.

Dr. Chaston is Board Certified by the American Board of Periodontology and is a member of the American Academy of Periodontology, the Academy of Osseointegration, and the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology.